by rll | Jan 17, 2020 | AHEAD, Planning AHEAD, Smart Test Taking Tips, Student's Kit, Thoughtful Resources, Winning Study Strategies
It’s a new year, so for some students, its time to take the college entrance tests again, while for others, the school year is nearing its end. As a result, CET review season, which is normally during the summer, is coming closer every day! However, dear...
by rll | Jan 13, 2020 | AHEAD, Mommy Memos, Planning AHEAD, Student's Kit
Mt. Taal is a volcano which has a nasty history of eruptions. In fact, the 1754 eruption caused entire towns to relocate to new locations, where they remain to this day. So, it’s no surprise that the volume of ash spewed out by the volcano has caused a lot of...