by rll | Mar 4, 2020 | AHEAD, Blog, Thoughtful Resources, Winning Study Strategies
Cramming, a word that students are all too familiar with. After all, this word has become synonymous with a lot of output produced by students especially when midterms and finals are just around the corner.It is the act of trying to absorb as much knowledge from...
by rll | Feb 26, 2020 | AHEAD, Blog, Winning Study Strategies
A lot of students in Senior High may shy away from essay-writing, since they perceive it to be difficult. However, it is a life skill which they need in order to succeed in their studies. Despite it being seemingly difficult, it can be manageable.So, here is a guide...
by rll | Feb 25, 2020 | AHEAD, Smart Test Taking Tips, Winning Study Strategies
For many students, cramming has become almost inevitable, but, it is not recommended, especially for College Entrance Test (CET) Reviews. This is because the human brain can only absorb so much information. The question to be answered now is, can one find a way to...
by rll | Feb 6, 2020 | AHEAD, Fresh News
It’s February 2020, and the ACET and USTET results have been released, so I’m sure a lot of you, dear SHS seniors, already have colleges to go to. However, one side effect of the euphoria you have when your college plans are assured is senioritis....
by rll | Jan 13, 2020 | AHEAD, Mommy Memos, Planning AHEAD, Student's Kit
Mt. Taal is a volcano which has a nasty history of eruptions. In fact, the 1754 eruption caused entire towns to relocate to new locations, where they remain to this day. So, it’s no surprise that the volume of ash spewed out by the volcano has caused a lot of...